idea: Car as thought center
(Campaign: “Audi A8 Thought Center”)
Executive cars are about luxury. Speed. Prestige. The only thing they’re not about is the one thing executives are paid to do: think. So our new car would offer an advantage in the area executives needed it most - the power to think better thoughts and deliver better solutions. This wouldn’t be just another car. It would be a Thought Center.
The A8 would be the perfect place to think better thoughts. Individually and collaboratively. Without any of the distractions of a traditional office. Here are the four stages of the campaign:
A series of Ted-style thought pieces start appearing on business and ideas blogs. Interviews with leading minds of our day. Filmed inside an advanced-looking - but as yet unlaunched - vehicle.
We say nothing about the A8. We simply associate leading minds with a car that these top minds know about. But you - as a smart, progressive thinker yourself - don’t.
We also start running Audi Progressive Index banners. “Audi A8” branded banners tracking the real-time share prices of thought-leading companies. To keep building the tease between the upcoming vehicle and thought leadership.

INTRODUCE (online)
We formally Introduce the A8. And demonstrate the features that enhance your capacity to think - and solve problems - better.
Expandable banners next to relevant content demonstrate the smart technologies of A8. “To make your life easier, your thinking smarter and your day more productive.”

Including a pop at BMW’s “Ultimate driving machine”.

Ads are joined by a new A8 app. Which immerses our audience in the new possibilities the A8 offers - as a collaborative work environment that lets you get closer to challenges.
The app feature video journeys taken by leading thinkers of our time. Also released to Social and hosted on Steven Levitt, Malcolm Gladwell, Sheryl Sandberg sitting side by side in the A8 as they ‘generate solutions to today’s biggest challenges using the advanced technologies and calm-globally connected environment of the new Audi A8.”
Example: “Steven Levitt and Richard Florida discuss Main Street revival in New York.”

You’re sold. We now use the apps and website to scrape data to feed each user personalized offers and information. As well as an AI “Audi Concierge” who can provide a sense of personal service, including arranging for customers to experience A8 for themselves.