AECOM. rebranding

Aecom is a vast “one stop shop” for today’s massive global projects – formed by the merger of giants across a range of fields. But with over 100,000 employees drawn from a wide range of disciplines. But at what point does vast become too vast? And at what scale is unity of vision lost? “One Aecom” was a rebrand that aimed to answer those questions. Focusing on a unity of purpose and seamless integration that made amazing things happen.

From scaling renewable energy to empowering vast clean water projects, to building new cities to enabling commercial space travel, “One AECOM” makes it all possible.

One AECOM. Brand Video

This was part of a major rebranding project I worked on for this global giant at Landor. Delivering a new look, feel voice and brand platform.

one aecom. brand book

The brand books we produced to define the new brand stressed the same unity of purpose.

Agency: Landor